The start of a new year is the perfect excuse to make a few changes in your life. If you’re thinking about refreshing your look (like we obviously have) or resetting your eating habits for the new year, you’re certainly not alone. But making healthier choices doesn’t have to mean going on a super-restrictive diet—sometimes all you need for a fresh start is a little change in perspective.
To make healthy changes that stick, stop trying to eat less “bad food” and instead focus on eating more of the good stuff, like fish and seafood. Diet trends come and go, but there’s a reason that eating more fish has pretty much always been considered healthy: It’s just plain good for you! Many varieties of fish and seafood boast lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which are essential nutrients for any healthy, balanced diet. Seafood is also one of the few foods that naturally contain Vitamin D, which plays an important role in supporting healthy bones and immune systems. It’s a real nutritional powerhouse.
When it comes to eating more fish, Chicken of the Sea has all the bases covered. From classic favorites like canned tuna, salmon, and crab to seafood for slightly more adventurous palates—sardines and oysters, anyone?—we have plenty of options to suit any healthy lifestyle. (And at prices to suit any budget.)
If you have a pantry stocked with canned seafood—or our convenient, portable pouches—the recipe possibilities are endless. Take these two for example: They’re as healthy and easy to make as they are delicious, and they show off just how versatile seafood is as an ingredient. Our refreshing lemony orzo salad packed with crab meat makes an excellent side dish or light entrée, while our perfectly sweet-and-savory teriyaki salmon rice bowl is hearty, filling, and ready in just a few minutes.

Where to Buy
Overflowing with flavor, Chicken of the Sea packets and cans are ready for all your culinary adventures. Use our product locator to find the perfect salmon, tuna, crab or other seafood products from Chicken of the Sea.