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Eat the Rainbow

Eating multi-colored fruits and veggies is nutritious and delicious. Pair seafood with seasonal produce for colorful, healthy recipes.

Whether you’re really into meal prep or take things one day at a time, building your menus around healthy dishes that look—and taste—amazing will help you make lifestyle changes that stick. We eat with our eyes first, as the old saying goes, and there’s no denying that a colorful dish just looks more appetizing than one that’s mostly beige and brown. 

Colorful dishes are also usually healthier, too. “Eating the rainbow” refers to adding fruits and veggies of varying colors to your diet, such as red tomatoes and beets, green cucumbers and avocados, orange carrots and pumpkins and so much more. Pairing fresh seasonal produce with easy seafoods like tuna and salmon—which are loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin D and potassium—can take your meal planning one step further. 

With new packaging and a continued focus on flavor, wild-caught Low-Sodium Pink Salmon from Chicken of the Sea is the perfect anchor for vibrant, rainbow-inspired recipes. For a quick and delicious snack option, try our Salmon Chili Bites. They can easily be doubled, tripled or more for a party appetizer. Serve them with a “rainbow” of veggies, crackers, meats and cheeses on a charcuterie board for a crowd favorite that’s sure to excite guests with big, bold flavors. 

Tuna is another excellent option for bright, colorful, healthy meals. Up your tuna salad game and say goodbye to bland, boring greens with our Mediterranean Tuna Salad. Featuring protein-packed tuna and a rainbow of fiber-rich veggies—and not even a single dab of mayo—this tuna salad really takes things to the next level. A bright, briny vinaigrette made with feta and parsley adds a pop of acidity and even more fresh greenery.

Looking for more colorful meal planning ideas? Check out our recipes.

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