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Pescatarian Diet

A pescatarian diet refers to a vegetarian diet with the addition of seafood, which supplies vitamins, minerals, protein & more.


Is Seafood Healthy?

Seafood is considered an essential part of a healthy diet because it’s a concentrated source of many key nutrients.


Is Tuna Good For You?

Tuna's health benefits are many: it's packed with protein, omega-3’s, vitamin D, vitamin B-12 & essential minerals.


Tuna Fish

Understanding the seven main species in the commercial tuna market & how they vary in size, features, taste & texture.


Tuna Benefits

Eating tuna provides a range of health benefits. It's an excellent source of protein, and contains essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and B vitamins. Regular consumption of tuna can support heart health, support brain function, and contribute to overall well-being.


Skipjack Tuna

A deep dive into skipjack tuna's physical characteristics, ecology and behavior, sustainability & health benefits.


Types Of Tuna

Tuna ranks among the top 3 most popular types of seafood thanks to its great taste, nutritional benefits & widespread availability.